
The Office
- Email:
- Phone: (623)570-3929
- The DUNs # 006663703
- CAGE Code 6CPP0
Business Hours
- Monday – Friday : 0900-1700 MST
- Weekends & Major Holidays : Closed
Warranty/Disclaimer/Return Policy:
ShieldSpike, LLC warranties that ShieldSpike, LLC products (Tools) are free from defects in materials and workmanship for a period of one year from date of purchase, and under normal deployment use. ShieldSpike LLC tools are designed for many window penetration deployments when care is given after use to protect the breaking tip by not carelessly standing, leaning, or dropping the tool where the tools point strikes concrete, or asphalt surfaces. Tip degradation will be experienced if the breaking tip is not cared for accordingly. ShieldSpike, LLC makes no other warranty; either expressed or implied with respect to its tool product, and specifically disclaims all other warranties for merchantability, or of fitness for any particular purpose. ShieldSpike, LLC’s sole obligation and liability for product Tool defects shall be at ShieldSpikes, LLC option. ShieldSpike, LLC will either replace such defective product tool or repair tool to operating condition. In no event shall ShieldSpike, LLC’s liability exceed the buyers price.
The buyer of a ShieldSpike, LLC product tool must understand and agree that the use of a ShieldSpike, LLC product tool is at buyer’s sole risk, and that buyer will be responsible for any physical injury, death, or any other damages whatsoever resulting from use of a ShieldSpike, LLC product tool. Under no circumstances shall ShieldSpike, LLC it’s owners, members, or agents be liable to anyone for any physical injury, death, property or any other damages whatsoever including, but not limited to, loss of earnings or wages, direct, indirect, incidental, consequential or punitive damages of any kind that result from the use of or inability to use, a ShieldSpike, LLC product tool. If buyer does not understand and agree to these terms and conditions, the buyer is encouraged not to use a ShieldSpike, LLC product tool.